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Plenary Session—Leveraging Overdose Fatality Review Data to Bring Multilevel Changes in Cuyahoga County, Ohio

Publication Date: 2/21/2025

This presentation describes three recommendations put forth by the Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Overdose Fatality Review. The first recommendation led to the installation of 100-plus NaloxBoxes throughout the county, including outdoor locations, to increase the accessibility of harm reduction resources. A virtual training on naloxone administration was also implemented widely in the county. The second recommendation resulted in over 11,000 fentanyl test strips (FTS) distributed within local communities and targeted hot spots. The third recommendation was a cross-sector collaboration that led to the creation of an infographic for the county jail to share information regarding risk of overdose upon release from jail. The infographic communicated key messages that were displayed in the jail. These recommendations spanned three major groups: (1) professionals, (2) the general public, and (3) community service agencies.  

Keywords: overdose fatality review naloxone harm reduction Cuyahoga County