Next-of-Kin Interview Toolkit

A next-of-kin (NOK) interview provides an in-depth look at how someone lived, their social supports, and the circumstances that led to an overdose death. NOK interviews are tools overdose fatality reviews (OFRs) can use to expand their understanding of the life experiences of a decedent and identify non-traditional touchpoints or systems that may not be represented by OFR team members. This toolkit provides readers with information needed to identify, conduct, and report on an NOK interview.



  • Why Conduct an NOK Interview?
  • Who Should Conduct an NOK Interview?
  • When to Connect With NOK?
  • How to Conduct an NOK Interview
  • Where to Store NOK Interview Data
  • How to Conduct an NOK Interview
  • Self-care for NOK Interviewers

Toolkit Design

The Next-of-Kin Interviews: A Practitioner’s Guide to Implementation is a companion document to Overdose Fatality Review: A Practitioner’s Guide to Implementation. This guide provides readers with information needed to identify, conduct, and report on an NOK interview. The content draws on practice-based knowledge of conducting NOK interviews as part of the OFR. It is organized into seven modules and an appendix with a list of common phrases and definitions and resources.

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  • Webinar: Next-of-Kin Interviews

    Webinar: Next-of-Kin Interviews

    This webinar provides participants with an overview of an NOK interview, explains the importance of a NOK interview, and discusses new available resources for the field to support the use of NOK interviews. The webinar features two experts who model the national standards for NOK interviews through their own professional experiences conducting NOK interviews.

  • NOK Interviewer Training

    Next-of-Kin Interviewer Training

    The NOK interviewer training is a free, four-hour training for those individuals who will be conducting the NOK interview for an OFR. This training is led by three trainers with extensive professional experience completing NOK interviews for OFRs. The NOK interviewer training is offered in a virtual setting and on an application basis.

  • Next-of-Kin Learning Community

    Next-of-Kin Learning Community

    The NOK Learning Community is a bi-monthly convening for professionals who are completing an NOK interview for an OFR. NOK practitioners are encouraged to take part in this call to connect with practitioners across the country and cultivate understanding.

  • OFR Data System

    OFR Data System

    The OFR Data System assists OFRs in capturing standard information from their case reviews, monitoring recommendations, and storing NOK interview findings. The OFR Data System is free to use.


  • New

    Online Resource

    Next-of-Kin Implementation Checklist

    Online Resource - 8/22/2024

  • Sample

    Next-of-Kin After Engagement Letter Voicemail

    Sample - 11/16/2023

  • Sample

    Next-of-Kin No Initial Contact Voicemail

    Sample - 11/16/2023

  • Sample

    Overdose Fatality Review Voicemail Script for Next-of-Kin Interviewers

    Sample - 11/16/2023

  • Briefing Sheet

    Overdose Fatality Review: Next-of-Kin Phone and Voicemail Guidelines

    Briefing Sheet - 10/27/2023

  • Video

    How do I access the next-of-kin module?

    Video - 10/18/2022

  • Toolkit

    Next-of-Kin Interviews: A Practitioner’s Guide to Implementation

    Toolkit - 3/22/2022

  • Webinar

    Next-of-Kin Interviews

    Webinar - 3/16/2022

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