Overdose Fatality Review: National Standards

Publication Date: 4/20/2022

A nationally recognized model, overdose fatality reviews (OFRs) are being used by a growing number of communities to strengthen their local responses to the opioid epidemic. To ensure the effectiveness of OFRs, national standards have been developed. These national standards are based on multiple state and local jurisdictions’ OFR and other fatality review practice-based experiences. This webinar will give participants an overview of OFR national standards to implement to achieve success.


  • Melissa Heinen, B.S.N., M.P.H., Senior Research Associate, IIR (Moderator)
  • Lauren Savitskas, M.P.H., Senior Research Associate, IIR (Presenter)
  • Mallory O'Brien, M.S., Ph.D., Senior Policy Advisor, BJA COSSAP and Consultant, IPA, CDC (Welcome)


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