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Turning the Tide: Building Bridges to Navigate the Waves of the Opioid Crisis

Publication Date: 2/21/2025

Turning the tide looks different in every state and county, with each community starting from a unique point. Hardin County, Kentucky, is navigating the waves of the current overdose crisis while embracing the transformations emerging from the overdose fatality review (OFR) team.  

The Hardin County OFR Team has played a vital role in fostering collaboration among community partners, allowing the team to identify and address critical gaps in response efforts. One example is the OFR teams review of the overdose deaths of two individuals needing medical clearance prior to incarceration. As a result of the review, OFR team members from the involved agencies have begun the process to improve communication and reevaluate procedures that were identified as contributing to these avoidable deaths.  

Keywords: overdose fatality review team community partners response Hardin County