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Success in Small Places: Using Overdose Fatality Review Recommendations to Address Stigma in Rural Communities

Publication Date: 2/21/2025

Salem County is the smallest county in the state of New Jersey but is maximizing its impact by using overdose fatality review team (OFRT) recommendations to tackle stigma. With only roughly 65,000 residents, Salem County faces unique obstacles associated with its network of rural municipalities. To leverage local barriers like secluded populations, lack of transportation, deeply rooted stigma, and limited access to overdose prevention supplies, Salem County is utilizing the data from its OFRT to pinpoint opportunities for enhanced public health. Since its formation in 2020, implemented recommendations from the county’s OFRT have contributed to the average 34 percent decrease in fatal overdoses from its 2019 peak. Stigma reduction has been identified as a recommendation from the team’s first case review and has been addressed through community education and outreach across all county municipalities, distribution of diverse overdose prevention supplies, increased linkages to care, and more! 

Keywords: overdose fatality review team stigma rural Salem County