Toolkits - Data Demo Videos

  • Video

    What to include in the narrative sections?

    Video - 10/18/2022

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    What is the difference between referred and provided?

    Video - 10/18/2022

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    How do I download a pdf form of a section in REDCap?

    Video - 10/18/2022

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    What are site specific variables?

    Video - 10/18/2022

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    What is included in the NOK?

    Video - 10/18/2022

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    How to determine drugs on the scene?

    Video - 10/18/2022

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    How to complete toxicology section?

    Video - 10/18/2022

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    What does the PDMP section include?

    Video - 10/18/2022

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    How to answer lifespan timeline questions?

    Video - 10/18/2022

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    How to deal with unknown numbers?

    Video - 10/18/2022

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    How to deal with unknown dates?

    Video - 10/18/2022

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    What does the case recommendation include?

    Video - 10/18/2022

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    What information is included in the case information module?

    Video - 10/18/2022

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    How do I access the next-of-kin module?

    Video - 10/18/2022

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    What is the difference between mental health condition and diagnosis?

    Video - 10/18/2022

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    What enhancements were made in Version 2.0?

    Video - 10/18/2022

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    How to Find and Update an Existing Case?

    Video - 9/26/2022

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    What Else is on the Project Home Page?

    Video - 9/26/2022

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    How to Enter a New Case and Learn What the Color Codes Means?

    Video - 9/26/2022

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    How to Find My OFR Data System Project?

    Video - 9/26/2022