2021 Virtual National Forum on Overdose Fatality Review
To get the most out of the Forum, we recommend that you review these resources before attending.
Any resources provided by the speakers will be available below. Participants should visit this page throughout the conference to access most current resources.
Model Overdose Fatality Review Teams Act
Report - 2/17/2021
Without legislation, the OFR team—and the individuals and entities from whom it requests information—are bound to their own interpretations of the confidentiality provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 42 U.S.C. § 290dd-2, 42 C.F.R. Part 2, and state or local confidentiality laws. This may result in an unwillingness to provide the requested information due to unduly restrictive interpretations and/or confusion caused by varying conclusions among jurisdictions. Second, OFR legislation helps to enhance the legitimacy of OFR teams, especially in areas where some community members may be reluctant to establish a team on their own. Finally, legislation promotes uniformity and consistency among the local teams within the state.
This resource was developed by the Legislative Analysis and Public Policy Association (LAPPA) through funding from the Office of National Drug Control Policy, Executive Office of the President.
This resource provides model law, with commentary, for overdose fatality reviews (OFR). -
Briefing Sheet - 2/12/2021
This resource offers information about AHP's targeted assistance and expertise to COSSAP grantees, and others, at the intersection of substance use disorders and criminal justice, focused on jail-based treatment and services provided pretrial and in community corrections. The services include virtual and in-person training, a jail-based mentor program, and direct consultation.
This resource provides an overview of Advocates for Human Potential, Inc.'s (AHP) training and technical assistance opportunities. -
TTA Cafe Session Handout
Article - 2/12/2021
These services support jurisdictions in need—including BJA and partner grantees, states, tribes, local communities, and the field at large—in building and sustaining multidisciplinary public safety and public health responses to substance use disorder.
This resource highlights the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s (BJA) COSSAP Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) services. -
OFR Mentor Site Descriptions
Article - 2/11/2021
This resources provides information on Indiana; Ocean County, New Jersey; Philadelphia; Utah; and Winnebago County, Wisconsin.
OFR peer mentor sites serve as models for those interested in starting a program or for established programs wanting to learn innovative practices. -
Maryland’s Behavioral Health Administration: Traumatic Brain Injury Resources
Online Resource - 2/10/2021
As lead agency, the Behavioral Health Administration directs the state’s plans, initiatives, and services for individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury.
The Behavioral Health Administration in the Maryland Department of Health has been identified as Maryland’s lead agency for Traumatic Brain Injury. -
COSSAP Altarum TTA Table
Briefing Sheet - 2/9/2021
Altarum assists BJA COSSAP grantees and other local, state, and national entities that are combatting opioid and other substance use crises to incorporate peer recovery support services into their efforts, and as a component of effective programs, by providing ongoing remote and on-site TTA to site-based COSSAP grantees interested in incorporating a peer recovery component into their projects.
Learn about the training and technical assistance (TTA) offered by Altarum, a COSSAP TTA provider. -
COSSAP RTI International TTA Table
Briefing Sheet - 2/9/2021
RTI International provides direct support to the COSSAP Category 2 state agencies and their subrecipients, including local jurisdictions working to achieve their project goals, which can include supporting Overdose Fatality Reviews across their states. Our key role is to leverage the different areas of expertise across RTI, such as public health policy and implementation science, as well as link sites to one another to create an environment of shared learning. RTI works closely with its partners, the Police Executive Research Forum and the National Governors Association, and the entire COSSAP TTA Collaborative.
Learn about the training and technical assistance (TTA) offered by RTI International, a COSSAP TTA provider. -
COSSAP TASC’s Center for Health and Justice TTA Table
Briefing Sheet - 2/9/2021
CHJ helps COSSAP grantees implement evidence-based, systemic solutions at the front end of the justice system to respond to the substance use that often underlies criminal justice involvement.
Learn about the training and technical assistance (TTA) offered by the Center for Health and Justice (CHJ) at TASC, a COSSAP TTA provider. -
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Social Determinants of Health
Online Resource - 1/26/2021
This resource may be used by people in public health, community organizations, research organizations, and health care systems to assess SDOH and improve community well-being. Information and tools available on this website were generated or funded by CDC within the last 10 years.
This website connects you to CDC resources for social determinants of health (SDOH) data, research, tools for action, programs, and policy. -
Overdose Fatality Review Peer Mentor Site Opportunities
Online Resource - 1/18/2021
The purpose of the Overdose Fatality Review (OFR) Peer Mentor Program is to elevate, communicate, and leverage OFR promising practices while building bridges between nascent teams and those with demonstrated success. The OFR Peer Mentor Program provides a unique opportunity to learn the application and practice of OFR from experienced peers.
The OFR Peer Mentor Site Opportunities section of the COSSAP Resource Center includes an online application to request a virtual site visit. -
10 Things to Know About Suicide and Overdose Fatality Review
Briefing Sheet - 1/15/2021
Suicide and Overdose Fatality Review is a network of locally-led stakeholder teams that review suicide and overdose fatalities in their communities. The goal is to develop data-informed prevention initiatives to prevent future deaths. By working together and learning from these sentinel events, Indiana teams are seeing results.
The Indiana State Department of Health's Suicide and Overdose Fatality Review (SOFR) developed this resource to inform about SOFR. -
Indiana Suicide and Overdose Fatality Review Infographic
Infographic - 1/15/2021
The goal is to develop data-informed prevention initiatives to prevent future deaths. By working together and learning from these sentinel events, Indiana teams are seeing results.
Suicide and Overdose Fatality Review is a network of locally-led stakeholder teams that review suicide and overdose fatalities in their communities. -
Office for Victims of Crime: The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit
Online Resource - 1/15/2021
The reactions and experiences of victim service providers and first responders are included in the model. The VTT also introduces the roles and responsibilities of organizations in addressing the negative impact of this occupational challenge on their employees.
The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit (VTT) introduces a new model for examining and conceptualizing the impact of vicarious trauma. -
Overdose Fatality Review (OFR) Data System Registration
Online Resource - 1/15/2021
The required fields are marked on the form with a red asterisk.
Please fill out and submit this online form to register as a OFR Database Volunteer Site. -
Person-First Language
Article - 1/15/2021
This resource offers an overview of person-first language and includes a chart of phrases to use in place of phrases that are not person-first.
Person-first language is a way of communicating that places personhood before any additional labels. -
REDCap Website
Online Resource - 1/15/2021
While REDCap can be used to collect virtually any type of data in any environment (including compliance with 21 CFR Part 11, FISMA, HIPAA, and GDPR), it is specifically geared to support online and offline data capture for research studies and operations. The REDCap Consortium, a vast support network of collaborators, is composed of thousands of active institutional partners in over one hundred countries who utilize and support their own individual REDCap systems.
REDCap is a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases. -
Risk and Protective Factors
Article - 1/15/2021
The resource was developed and made available by the Indiana State Department of Health.
This resource provides information on suicide and overdose fatality review risk/protective factors and the sphere of influence. -
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): SAMHSA Overview
Article - 1/15/2021
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation and to improve the lives of individuals living with mental and substance use disorders, and their families. The vision of SAMHSA is to provide leadership and resources – programs, policies, information and data, funding, and personnel advance mental and substance use disorder prevention, treatment, and recovery services to improve individual, community, and public health. The mission is to reduce the impact of substance misuse and mental illness on America's communities.
This resource outlines the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) vision, mission, centers, and regions. -
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): SAMHSA Regional Office Map
Briefing Sheet - 1/15/2021
Contact information is provided for each Regional Administrator and Assistant Regional Administrator.
This resource provides information regarding the SAMHSA regional offices and roles of SAMHSA’s Regional Administrators. -
Overdose Response Strategy (ORS)
Online Resource - 12/15/2020
The ORS is an unprecedented and unique collaboration between public health and public safety, created to help local communities reduce drug overdoses and save lives by sharing timely data, pertinent intelligence, and innovative strategies. The ORS is implemented by state teams made up of Drug Intelligence Officers and Public Health Analysts, who work together on drug overdose issues within and across sectors and states. By sharing information across sectors, the ORS is growing the body of evidence related to early warning signs and prevention strategies. With the information shared, and programs inspired by the ORS, the program is helping communities and individuals make healthier, safer choices. The mission of the ORS is to help communities reduce fatal and non-fatal drug overdoses by connecting public health and public safety agencies, sharing information, and supporting evidence-based interventions.
The ORS is a public health/safety collaboration between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and 21 High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas. -
The 2019 Overdose Response Strategy (ORS) Cornerstone Report: Overdose Prevention Services in Jails
Online Resource - 10/28/2020
The overall goal of the 2019 Cornerstone Project is to advance the scale-up of evidence-based services that reduce overdose risk during and upon release from incarceration in jail. The Project examines four evidence-based overdose prevention services in jails serving counties most affected by the opioid overdose crisis. These four services include screening for substance use disorder, overdose education and naloxone distribution, linkage to care upon release, and maintenance medication-assisted treatment (maintenance MAT). The report provides a sections regarding jails and staff, why overdose prevention services are needed in jails, training opportunities, lessons learned, and references.
Each year, the ORS undertakes a Cornerstone Project to answer a common question and address shared informational needs regarding the overdose crisis. -
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): SAMHSA Training and Technical Assistance Resources
Briefing Sheet - 10/19/2020
For additional information, please visit https://www.samhsa.gov/practitioner-training.
SAMHSA's practitioner training offers tools, training, and technical assistance to practitioners of mental health and substance use disorders. -
Overdose Fatality Review (OFR) Toolkit
Online Resource - 9/24/2020
Included are modules on recruiting OFR team members, planning and facilitating an OFR meeting, collecting OFR data, and building a recommendation plan. An online request form for requesting an OFR-related training or technical assistance delivery and information on an OFR peer mentor virtual site visit opportunity are also available.
This online toolkit includes resources to help plan, implement, and evaluate overdose fatality reviews (OFRs). -
Overdose Response Strategy (ORS) Program Overview
Sample - 9/20/2020
The ORS was created to help local communities reduce drug overdoses and save lives by sharing timely data, pertinent intelligence, and innovative strategies. The mission of the ORS is to help communities reduce fatal and non-fatal drug overdoses by connecting public health and public safety agencies, sharing information, and supporting evidence-based interventions.
The Overdose Response Strategy (ORS) is an unprecedented and unique collaboration between public health and public safety. -
Treatment Record Privacy Laws
Online Resource - 8/15/2020
In the early 1970's, as part of its efforts to increase treatment for substance use disorder and reduce the stigma surrounding such treatment, the federal government enacted the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972.1. That Act included a statutory provision for the confidentiality of patient records, now codified at 42 U.S.C. § 290dd-2. This article addresses the two most recent sets of amendments concerning treatment record privacy laws created by: (1) the passage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act on March 27, 2020; and (2) the adoption of revisions to 42 C.F.R. Part 2, effective August 14, 2020, by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
This article addresses the two most recent sets of amendments concerning treatment record privacy laws. -
Facilitate Your Overdose Fatality Review (OFR) Meeting
Online Resource - 7/22/2020
This module assists OFR facilitators in effectively facilitating review meetings to build trust and identify recommendations to prevent future overdose deaths.
This resource offers information and principles to guide a facilitator and to help make an OFR meeting as successful as possible. -
Overdose Fatality Review (OFR): Recruit Your Members
Online Resource - 7/22/2020
It also covers how the OFR team fits into a larger infrastructure, including subcommittees and a governing committee.
This resource covers the OFR team leadership roles and members, as well as how to recruit to ensure active participation by multidisciplinary members. -
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): Why Addiction is a 'Disease' and Why It’s Important
Training - 4/26/2018
This webcast is accompanied by a Resource Guide.
This webcast discusses the definition of disease and why it is particularly important for addiction to be emphasized as a disease. -
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): Overcoming Stigma, Ending Discrimination Webcast
Webinar - 3/28/2018
The panelists discuss methods to shift away from the use of negative concepts as an organizing paradigm to address socially discrediting health problems. Additionally, this webcast is accompanied by a Resource Guide.
This webcast discusses the ways that discriminatory perceptions are harmful to individuals suffering from substance use disorder.