Meeting Presentation

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How a Local County Health Department Garnered Stakeholder Support to Establish a Fatality Review Team

Publication Date: 1/19/2023

This presentation describes the methodical steps taken and lessons learned in developing the Broome County, New York, Accidental Injury and Death Review (AIDR) team. Opioid overdose prevention staff at the Broome County Health Department focused on the details and planning of the fatality review team to set it up for sustainability, right down to the name of the review team. Broome County intentionally expanded the name of the team to AIDR to include not only fatal overdoses but also individuals who were injured (survived an overdose) or died by suicide. Every step in the planning process was thought out for future needs as they relate to both substance use and mental health. A key strategy in the development of the team was meeting one-on-one with stakeholders to garner support as part of the process and get their buy-in and recommendations prior to the first meeting. By investing the time up front and fostering the relationships among partners at the table, the overdose prevention staff members developing the AIDR team gained valuable input from the multidisciplinary team and were able to engage them in participating without hesitation. Stakeholders were instrumental in formulating recommendations and suggestions and providing subject-matter expertise. In addition, the Broome County program staff researched successful overdose fatality review teams and were mentored by two fatality review teams, along with the coordinator of the child fatality review team in Broome County. Learn how public health professionals used a personal relationship approach by focusing on stakeholders’ strengths and proficiency to develop the AIDR team in Broome County.

Keywords: Broome County New York Accidental Injury and Death Review AIDR opioid overdose prevention public health stigma overdose fatality review OFR